Eye Movement concussion

“Eye movement exercises have been shown to be beneficial for those suffering from visual symptoms after a concussion.”

Eye Movement Disorders Following a Concussion

After a concussion, up to 90% of people suffer at least one eye movement disorder. This is why every patient at Neurologic Wellness Institute who has a concussion undergoes a digital eye movement recording assessment.

What Is The Most Common Eye Movement Disorder?

The most common eye movement disorder is one of convergence. A problem with convergence may cause some individuals to experience symptoms while they are trying to look at something up close, such as their cell phone. Problems with eye movements can cause headaches, eye strain/pain, blurred vision, reading difficulties, and double vision.


With appropriate treatment, many eye movement disorders and correlating symptoms can be resolved. It requires a trained professional to not only be able to analyze your eye movements but prescribe the correct exercises to help.

For more information on Neurologic Wellness Institute and our Concussion Rehabilitation Program, contact us at: https://neurologicwellnessinstitute.com/contact/


Scheiman et al. Objective assessment of vergence after treatment of concussion-related CI. Optometry and Vision Science. 2016;94(1):74-88.


The Neurologic Wellness Institute offers personalized and innovative treatments for neurological, mental, and physical health conditions. We employ the largest number of doctors in the world who have received the highest level of training in Functional Neurology / Chiropractic Neurology by passing their Diplomate Examination.

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